e.max CAD
- High strength glass-ceramic block for CAD/CAM techniques.
- Indicated for single unit anterior and premolar substructures.
- Suitable for implants superstructures for single tooth restorations.
- Adsence of shrinkage that optimizes the fit of the restoration.
e.max Press
- Pressable technology delivering the ultimate in fit, strength, and esthetics
- High strength glass ceramic ingot offering the greatest strength
- 400 MPa flexural strength
- Indicated for fabricating single-tooth anterior and posterior crown substructures and 3-unit anterior bridges
- Suitable for implant superstructures for single tooth restorations.
NobelProcera Zirconia and Alumina
Crowns in zirconia and alumina
- Crown copings in two materials and two thicknesses of each: NobelProcera Crown Zirconia (0.4mm and 0.7mm) and NobelProcera Crown Alumina (0.4mm and 0.6mm)
- Thickness selection is indication-dependent and designed for providing uniform support for the veneering layers
- For natural-tooth or implant-retained restorations
Bridges in zirconia and alumina
- Deliver maximum biomechanical strength and allow for high precision of fit
- NobelProcera Bridge Zirconia is available in up to 8 units* in Canada
- NobelProcera Bridge Alumina is perfectly suited for anterior use, up to 4 units
- For natural tooth- or implant-retained restorations